Lowering Your Expectations Makes You Happier!!
Lower your expectations of yourself and your doubles partner too. Instead slide gracefully into gratitude for being able to play tennis and ❤️ every moment of it!!! If you want to be happy and have more fun on the court - place your desires internally and let go of attachment to winning or playing well that day for your happiness.
The truth is that if you give yourself and your partner a safe space that allows for mistakes without judgement and disappointment - you will end up playing better - and she will too.
No one plays better by being disparaged for their errors. Keep your focus on the good shots, footwork, shoulder turns, stepping in and most of all YOUR EFFORT. At the end of the day - you got back on the court - that's what counts.
For more great tips on more BLiSS on (and off) the court - buy my book "I ❤️ MY DOUBLES PARTNER!!!" from Amazon or www.ilovemydoublespartner.com